ClickCease Top 3 WooCommerce Hosting Providers - How to Choose the Best One

Best WooCommerce Hosting Providers to Benefit Your eCommerce Business

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More than 75% of eCommerce businesses use WooCommerceWooCommerceA free, open-source e-commerce plugin for WordPress.
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checkout. With the growing demand for WordPressWordPressOpen-source content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage websites and blogs.
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, it’s not surprising that the number of WooCommerce-based online stores continues to grow. This makes the choice of a reliable online hostingHostingThe process of storing and serving website files on a remote server, making them accessible to visitors around the world.
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provider vital for the success of online stores of all sizes and topics. How to choose reliable WooCommerce hosting providers that can help you benefit your online business? Let’s find out. 

What is WooCommerce hosting?

WooCommerce hosting is a specific web-based solution that is intended to deliver the needed performancePerformanceRefers to how fast a website or web application loads and responds to user interactions.
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and stability to eCommerce website. It’s essential to choose a reliable WooCommerce hosting that will provide your website’s fast loading speed, reliability, consistent uptime, secure certificates, enough disk space, and other specifications that meet your personal and business needs. While choosing a reliable WooCommerce hosting, make sure they offer 24/7 support so that you will be able to have access to experienced staff who will help you troubleshoot any difficulties you may have.

There are different types of WooCommerce hosting providers that you can choose based on your project’s size, budget, and expectations. The most popular solution for startups and small businesses is shared hosting. Although this is a cost-effective option, you should mind that your website will be placed on the4 same server with many other sites. As a result, it can affect your loading speed and put your eCommerce website at risk of hacking attacks. 

When your web store grows bigger, it needs more space and better performance. That is when you may opt for such premium WooCommerce hosting options as managed services and VPSVPSVirtual Private Server is a type of hosting that utilizes virtualization technology to create a virtual server within a physical server.
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WooCommerce Hosting Pros and Cons

As you might have guessed, there are always benefits and drawbacks of web hosting solutions. When we consider WooCommerce hosting, we can highlight the following pros and cons. 


  • You can get a hosting service pre-installed with WooCommerce. This allows you to get your web store up and running in the shortest time. WooCommerce installation is pretty simple and doesn’t require any special coding skills. It allows you to focus on the design and marketing tasks rather than spend your time on the setup. 
  • A good WooCommerce hosting service will provide you with reliable 24/7 support. As a rule, we realize the quality of support services when we need them the most. Customer support teams should know WooCommerce perfectly well to identify the issues and fix them in the shortest time.
  • Whenever a person needs to enter their credit card details and personal information to place an order on your eCommerce website, they should feel confident that you can provide them with the proper security level. A good WooCommerce hosting solution can offer just that.
  • In addition to security, your web store should load fast on all devices and web browsing applications. Page speedPage SpeedThe time it takes for a website page to load fully.
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    is an essential factor that determines how visible your website will be in search engines. If you want to reach the top of search results, you need to make certain that your WooCommerce hosting provider will improve your website’s performance. 


  • The better service you’d like to get, the more you pay. As a rule, WooCommerce hosting costs more than traditional WordPress shared host. When you choose such specialized services, you can get better ROIROIReturn on Investment is a measure used to evaluate the profitability and efficiency of an investment or project.
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    , which is why it’s better to think of it as an investment. 
  • WooCommerce website management can involve a learning curve. A good hosting service will provide you with the needed documentationDocumentationThe process of creating, organizing, and maintaining written materials that provide information about a web project.
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    and services to get the job done. However, if this is the first time that you install WooCommerce, you may find the process to be daunting.
  • The customization process takes some time and effort. Some WooCommerce hosting services offer the pre-installation. If you wish to manage everything yourself, you will need to uninstall WooCommerce, reset the databaseDatabaseAn organized collection of data, typically stored electronically.
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    , and start over again. 

How to Choose the Best WooCommerce Hosting Providers

Before we move to the list of the best WooCommerce hosting providers, let’s consider what solutions you should take into account to make the right choice. 

  • PCI compliance. Since the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council’s launch back in 2006, every organization that accepts, transmits or performs any other actions with any cardholder data should be PCI compliant. It guarantees that all payments and transactions are safe, the money gets to the place where it’s intended, and the users’ sensitive data is kept private. 
  • Dedicated IP addressIP AddressInternet Protocol address is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.
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    . When you sign up for WooCommerce hosting, check if it provides you with a dedicated IP address. In most cases, they assign you with a dynamic IP address that’s shared with many other websites. A dedicated IP address works best for improved SEO of your website and the overall eCommerce performance. 
  • Uptime parameters. It means that when your website is down, nobody can buy from you. The best WooCommerce hosting providers run on the Tier 4 data centers. It means that your web store may have less than 0,8 hours of downtime per year. For comparison, Tier 1 data center gives you less than 28,8 hours of downtime per year. 
  • Fast speeds. People are impatient when it comes to eCommerce. To keep buyers with you and generate more revenue, you need to be sure that your web store runs fast on all devices. A good WooCommerce hosting service should have fast specs with lots of RAM. Also, check where their data centers are. If they are far from your location, it can affect your website’s loading speeds.
  • Reliable support. As we have mentioned above in this post, it’s essential to opt for a hosting service that includes reliable 24/7 support. In case anything goes wrong and you need qualified assistance, you should be able to contact the support team of your hosting provider, and they should help you fix the issue.
  • Regular backups. Whatever goes wrong, you should make sure that your hosting provider features frequent backups.  It guarantees that none of the valuable pieces of data or your website’s settings get lost when you least expect it. 

3 Best WooCommerce Hosting Providers

With all that being said, let’s take a closer look at the top 3 hosting providers that we recommend using for WooCommerce websites. 

InMotion Hosting

InMotion Hosting delivers managed hosting plans that work well for WooCommerce projects. Although they do not feature dedicated WooCommerce hosting services, they provide the VPS plans that work well when your website grows bigger. 

InMotion is the top choice for many eCommerce businesses due to its improved security. It uses industry-standard tools along with servers optimized for multiple roles. 

InMotion delivers a competitive VPS hosting plan. Choosing one, you get free automatic backups, integration with cPanelcPanelcPanel is a web hosting control panel that lets you manage your websites and all server tasks from a hosting account. With cPanel (Control Panel), you can check your web server resources, organize website files, manage backups, create email accounts, and more.
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, eCommerce-optimized services, and more. The hosting service also delivers plenty of tools and features essential for WooCommerce projects of any size and niche. 

InMotion pros:

  • One of the most secure and reliable web hosting solutions.
  • Extensive customization options.
  • Advanced optimization options for whatever platform you use.
  • Reliable and professional customer support via phone, ticket or chat.
  • Must-have features like backupBackupA process of creating and storing copies of website data and files as a precautionary measure.
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    , caching, and CRON jobs.

InMotion cons:

  • Lacks a dedicated plan.
  • High cost of managed hosting plan and VPS.


It’s one of the most well-established names in the WooCommerce hosting niche, SiteGround provides  dedicated WooCommerce hosting for three major plans – StartUp, GrowBig, and GoGeek. Each of them includes decent amounts of disk space and about 10,000-100,000 monthly visitors to your eCommerce project. 

Whatever plan you choose, you will get all the eCommerce features covered. SiteGround includes pre-installed SSLSSLSecure Sockets Layer is a cryptographic protocol that ensures secure communication between a client and a server.
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certificate, regular updates, daily backups, neat security options, and more. It’s well-known for professional 24/7 customer support. 

SiteGround pros:

  • Amazing customer support 24/7.
  • Affordable dedicated WooCommerce hosting plans.
  • Pre-installed applications and SSL certificates.
  • Automatic backups and caching.

SiteGround cons:

  • Low visitor count of 10k visitors for StartUp plan.
  • No free domain is included.

WP Engine

The hosting service specializes in WordPress-based projects mainly. It’s widely known for fast WordPress tuning and security features. Although it doesn’t provide WooCommerce hosting plans, all of its WordPress hosting plans will work well for eCommerce purposes. 

WP Engine is not the cheapest hosting service available in the market. Still, it’s considered to be one of the most reliable options for your web store. Here you can choose from Startup, Growth, and Scale hosting plans. Whenever needed, you can opt for a custom hosting solution. Depending on the hosting plan that you choose, you get different hosting options. For example, the Startup plan delivers 50GB of bandwidthBandwidthThe maximum amount of data that can be transmitted over an internet connection in a given amount of time.
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, free migration, SSL certificate, etc. 

WP Engine also delivers lots of tools that are essential for online trading purposes. It features regular backups, secure staging, and skilled 24/7 technical support.

WP Engine pros:

  • Superfast WordPress hosting that works well for WooCommerce.
  • Fast 24/7 support.
  • SSL-based hosting.
  • Multiple data centers in different locations.

WP Engine cons:

  • It is expensive.
  • Doesn’t include automatic WooCommerce setup.

Bottom Line

The hosting services provider’s choice gets easier when you know what aspects you should mind for your eCommerce website’s maximum efficiency. There are many hosting solutions available in the market. Opt for the industry leaders that offer reliable and secure WooCommerce hosting options. Although expert services may cost you a pretty penny, it’s better to choose the best WooCommerce host at the start instead of migrating afterward, when you bring your store online.

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