Nikita Spivak

CEO at IT Monks Agency
Web Design, Development & Digital marketing votarist.
Articles by this author
The WordPress Content Management System (CMS) revolves around the admin dashboard, which is the central hub for all site management…
What is WordPress? There is a lot to say about this CMS. Everyone who has ever worked with this CMS…
QR codes, or quick response codes, have been around for several decades but have recently gained popularity in eCommerce. QR…
Many website owners need to pay more attention to the importance of a contact page. This is an element of…
Cart abandonment is common for eCommerce businesses. Why do customers add items to their shopping carts and leave without placing…
Are you looking for ways to deliver a better online experience to your website visitors? Creating custom WordPress search forms…
This blog post provides the most effective tips and practices on how to password-protect WordPress websites.  According to WordPress and…
WordPress is a great choice for businesses of any form or size. The world’s most popular CMS has a market…
WordPress star rating is an important instrument that can influence customers’ opinions. Whether you're looking for the best restaurant in…
Breadcrumbs have a good impact on website SEO. That’s why many business owners want to add breadcrumbs to their websites.…
Inexperienced users often confuse a landing page with a homepage, though these two are absolutely different things in site-building. In…
Website security has significant importance for SEO. If Google started sending lots of insecure links to people, it wouldn’t remain…


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