Nikita Spivak

CEO at IT Monks Agency
Web Design, Development & Digital marketing votarist.
Articles by this author
Everyone discusses effective website design, but do you truly understand its meaning? How to check the quality of a website?…
A mobile-friendly web design is easily accessible and easy to navigate from a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet.…
PHP, the backbone of web development, offers efficiency and flexibility. It powers 75% of server-side websites, including WordPress, Drupal, and…
Have you experienced waiting for a slow website to load? Instead of waiting, you probably clicked the Back button. The…
Are you considering launching an online store for your business? If so, you might be exploring different options available in…
Maintaining a WordPress website is akin to tending to a digital garden. Just like plants need regular care and attention…
Are you in the process of creating a new website for your business or personal brand? If so, you may…
Over the decade, IT Monks has undertaken various projects, from web development to creating customer experience portals. Repeatedly, we encounter…
What is Elementor? If you’re considering creating a website, you’ve likely come across WordPress, Elementor, and website builders in your…
If you use WordPress for your website, you've probably heard of Yoast SEO. This plugin helps optimize your site for…
If you are planning to create an eCommerce store, there are numerous options available to you. However, one of the…
The WordPress Content Management System (CMS) revolves around the admin dashboard, which is the central hub for all site management…


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