Nikita Spivak

CEO at IT Monks Agency
Web Design, Development & Digital marketing votarist.
Articles by this author
Sooner or later, every business owner who runs a WooCommerce site starts seeking additional opportunities of keeping users more engaged…
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has immense power in cybersecurity. It simulates the human brain and lets us better control online security…
Gutenberg is the name that has brought a revolution to the WordPress world. It has turned the content editing paradigm…
The world is changing at a fast pace, so does the internet. New technologies evolve along with new security threats…
How to start a WordPress blog on Gutenberg? It’s the question that everyone passionate about writing has wondered about after…
Thousands of websites are blacklisted every day. When a web resource gets mentioned on Google blacklisted websites list, it means…
The total number of social media users reached more than 57% of the total global population in summer 2021. The…
WordPress is the preferred content management system of millions of users worldwide. With nearly 40 million downloads, it’s used by…
Virtual Private Networks (VPN) have become extremely popular in recent years. With a growing number of online security attacks and…
The design and structure of product pages influence customers’ decision-making. A poorly designed product page that looks messy and doesn’t…
Your team spent months creating an outstanding website for your project. Getting it hacked is the last thing that you…
Let’s be honest. How many orders did you make online and at local retail stores over the last month? As…


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