ClickCease How to Increase WooCommerce Conversion Rates with a WP Blog

How to Increase WooCommerce Conversion Rates with Blog Posts

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The main goal of running an eCommerce site is driving trafficTrafficThe number of visitors or users who visit a particular website.
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and making users convert. There are many tricks and approaches that you may use to drive more sales to your web store. One of them is by maintaining a blog. You can easily increase WooCommerceWooCommerceA free, open-source e-commerce plugin for WordPress.
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conversionConversionA process of turning a website visitor, social media follower, or any other potential customer into an actual paying customer.
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rates with your blog posts. However, there are certain nuances that you should mind to achieve the maximum results. 

Ways to Increase WooCommerce Conversion

Having a blog that resonates with the target audience is always a wise move. Sharing valuable and informative pieces of content can do wonders for your business. A frequently updated, SEOSEOSearch Engine Optimization involves optimizing various website elements to make it more attractive to search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
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-friendly, and fast-growing WordPressWordPressOpen-source content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage websites and blogs.
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blog can significantly improve your conversion rates and drive more traffic. If you run an eCommerce site and run a WordPress blog that you frequently update with something new, then the following tips will help you improve your WooCommerce conversion rates. 

Create a content marketing strategy that attracts potential customers

One of the best ways to drive blog traffic to WooCommerce stores is by giving your potential clients exactly what they need. However, the planning of the right content marketing strategy starts with learning your audience. 

How can you know your buyer persona and find out who reads your blog? There are many ways to find it out. One of the best ways to succeed is by conducting interviews and surveys that will help you know your focus group. 

When it comes to running a blog that is related to your eCommerce business, you need to realize that people are looking for more than purely product reviews or technical insights ( depending on what you sell on your WooCommerce site). Your readers are also interested in fun and informative articles. The biggest objective of running a WordPress blog is to share posts that your audience will find useful. The second objective is making your posts convert. 

Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of your client. You have come across a web store selling mobile telecom services. You also read their blog and check the latest updates in the email newsletter. You are thinking about ordering an international data plan for your next trip but still hesitant about making the final decision. By the end of the week, you receive a new email from that company that offers useful tips and insights on how you can use their services abroad. You check out their blog post updates and get finally convinced to switch to their cellular data plan. It’s an approximate example of how a blog can help you drive conversions to your web store. Another important factor that you should mind is identifying your existing and future buyer persona. The easiest way to find it out is to use Google Analytics. The tool helps you track how users reach your site, what devices they use, what countries they come from, and what they do on your web page. Based on this knowledge, you can easily create a content marketing strategy that appeals to your readers. 

Use relevant keywords 

Once you create your buyer persona, you need to make it clear what keywordsKeywordsA specific word or phrase that encapsulates the essence of a particular topic or theme.
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people use to reach your website. At this point, keyword research tools can bring you the maximum value. You can find out what keywords your blog articles rank for and what keywords are missing. 

If you are only taking your first steps while writing product-based articles for your blog, check out what keywords your major competitors do. Based on this knowledge you can improve and create the DIY content that will appeal to your readers and make them buy from you. 

Some of the most popular keyword planning tools are Google Search Console, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Serpstat, etc. 

Write product-oriented content 

A company blog is one of the best ways to promote your brand and the offers it sells. You can start promoting your products or services while product reviews, comparing your offers with the solutions from other companies, providing product showcases, giving how-to instructions, etc. You can also publish an article with an honest review from your client or an interview. 

Besides, you can create banner ads that will visualize your deals in a more catching style and drive more traffic to your WooCommerce store. Writing press releases is always a good idea. While posting articles with product release updates, the launch of new features, functionality, etc. you can keep buyers more engaged. 

Use the power of storytelling

Storytelling has become a favorite way of presenting information on blogs on different topics. Your company blog shouldn’t be an exception. Using storytelling, you can effectively promote your brand and the products it offers. One of the most popular mistakes made by marketers is putting straight advertisements in their content. It irritates readers and makes them leave once they come across such things on your blog. Storytelling, on the other hand, lets you smoothly incorporate commercial offers into your content. Your readers will notice, but it’s more likely that a story will keep them engaged until the last line. 

Put internal links into your blog posts 

Unlike using external links on your site, using internal linking shouldn’t put you at the risk of getting penalties. By creating a blog on the same domain as your WooCommerce store, you can add references to the most valued pages of your site. It will help your readers get to know you better as a brand.

Within your blog posts, you can add internal links leading to your product or category page, which will help you drive more traffic to your web store. Using internal links is one of the best SEO techniques. It is also a proven way to convert readers into buyers since there may be a significant percentage of leads among your blog readers. 

If you are looking for the best tool to help you with the internal linking on your website, Ahrefs can be the best choice. It offers features related to running an internal backlink audit, tighten up backlinking to other websites, and reveals what links you failed to include that were related to your content.

Make your content shareable 

Social media platforms are listed among the primary resources that are driving traffic to your website. An average user spends about 144 minutes on social media per day. Brands shouldn’t neglect such stats and use the power of social media to the fullest.

It has become a vital part of the online marketing strategy of many brands to post their content on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc. When a user comes across content they find interesting, they click the Share button to make their followers and friends also see it. 

Social sharing buttons are the feature that should be added to your blog and web store alike. Making your content shareable is a step toward creating positive interactions with your customers. If you want to drive more traffic to your product pages, ensure that people can share your posts on social media.

These are some of the most popular and effective ways to drive traffic from blog posts to product pages and increase WooCommerce conversion rates. If you run an eCommerce site but haven’t launched a blog yet, it’s the right time to consider adding one. When using your blog to drive more eCommerce conversions, mind analyzing your audience, performing the keyword research, making your content shareable, and sharing the content that your readers will find interesting and useful.

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