ClickCease Python | IT Monks Glossary
October 17, 2023 | edited: March 20, 2024

A high-level, interpreted programming languageProgramming LanguageA set of rules and instructions used to write computer programs.
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known for its readability, simplicity, and vast range of librariesLibrariesCollections of pre-written code and functionalities that developers can leverage to streamline their development process.
More About Libraries
and frameworksFrameworksA pre-established structure or set of guidelines that provides developers with a foundation to build upon.
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, making it powerful for various applications.

At its core, Python is an interpreted, high-level programming language that was created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, making it easier for programmers to express their ideas and concepts clearly and concisely. This simplicity also contributes to the ease of learning Python, making it an ideal choice for beginners.

One key feature that sets Python apart from other programming languages is its use of whitespace indentation to delimit code blocks. This unique feature enforces a consistent and readable coding style, which makes Python code highly readable and less prone to errors.

Python’s extensive standard library is another notable aspect that makes it a popular choice for developers. The standard library provides many modules and functions that simplify common programming tasks, such as file handling, network communication, and data manipulation. This vast repository of pre-built tools saves developers time and effort, enabling them to focus on solving higher-level problems.

Python’s versatility is another reason why it has become so popular. It supports various programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming styles. This flexibility allows developers to choose the most suitable approach for their specific needs, making Python suitable for various applications.

Furthermore, Python’s extensive ecosystem of third-party libraries and frameworks further expands its capabilities. Libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib provide powerful tools for data analysis and visualization, while frameworks like Django and Flask simplify web development. These libraries and frameworks enable developers to build complex applications quickly and efficiently.

Python’s popularity in data science and artificial intelligence is also worth mentioning. Its simplicity and ease of use, combined with libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch, have made it a preferred choice for machine learning and deep learning projects. Python’s strong community support and active development community also contribute to its success in these domains.


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