ClickCease Gutenberg or Classic Editor - What's the Best WordPress Content Editor?

What’s Best for WordPress Content Editing: Gutenberg or Classic Editor

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What’s the best solution for quick and seamless content editing in WordPressWordPressOpen-source content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage websites and blogs.
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? Is it GutenbergGutenbergA block-based editor for WordPress.
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or a classic WordPress content editorEditorThe interface that allows you to write and format text, add images, embed media, and much more.
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that delivers the maximum usabilityUsabilityThe measure of a product’s effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction for its intended users.
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and comfort to content managers? Let’s compare the two and decide which the better solution is.

Everyone who works with WordPress knows that the CMSCMSA content management system is software aiding users to create, manage, and modify website content.
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features a classic content editor to upload and edit different content. Many of us have gotten accustomed to using it, and we didn’t expect anything new to be launched. However, the situation changed with the release of the Gutenberg editor. The latter provides keen and fierce competition to the classic WordPress editor, bringing a bunch of innovative content editing features. 

WordPress is widely accepted as a simple and intuitive CMS that can be used even by a beginner. The whole WordPress community of web designers and web developers launch tools and ready-made designs that provide end-users with the ability to curate vibrant and appealing content without the need to mess with the code. There are many page builders and content editors available on the web. However, when it comes to delivering maximum comfort and usability, Gutenberg proves to be the best in its field.  

A Few More Words about Gutenberg


Gutenberg content editor is named after Johannes Gutenberg, a person who invented a printing press with movable aesthetics and functionality about 500 years ago. Unlike the classic WordPress content editor that suggests you work with the HTMLHTMLThe fundamental language used to create and structure content on web pages.
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code and shortcodes to execute specific tasks, Gutenberg makes the process easier. The editor features sets of pre-made blocks that you can add and edit in the visual drag-and-drop mode. Whenever needed, Gutenberg also lets you edit your website’s content in the HTML mode. Still, it’s not that necessary in most cases. 

The primary objectives standing behind the launch of the Gutenberg editor include:

  • Seamless content creation through blocks. Whatever element you’d like to add to your blog post – be sure to find the respective block that matches your needs. The default collection of Gutenberg blocks includes:
  • To use the editor, you do not need to be tech-savvy. It’s intended to provide an average web user with a seamless content editing experience. You do not need to have any profound CSSCSSCascading Style Sheets is a coding language that determines the appearance and layout of a website.
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    or HTML knowledge to apply the necessary changes to your content. All changes are applied in real-time.
  • Gutenberg integrates complex features without plugins. In the classic WordPress editor, you need to work with the code or install third-party extensions to create advanced tables or work with buttons. Gutenberg lets you forget about stuff like this. All that you need is already included. 

Is the Classic WordPress Editor That Bad? 

There is always someone who doesn’t like changes and won’t use innovative tools and features on their websites. There is nothing we can do with that. Still, the classic WordPress editor is not that bad, especially when you get used to it. 

Just in case you do not like enjoy the Gutenberg editor after installing it on your WordPress website, you can always revert to the classic editor using the Classic Editor pluginPluginA piece of software that can be easily installed and activated on a CMS platform to enhance its capabilities.
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. Install it on your website, just the way you add any different WordPress plugin. 

The classic WordPress editor has been the default for WordPress for many years already. It features a simple interface that looks pretty much similar to Microsoft Word. The Classic WordPress editor plugin is free to use. However, WordPress has announced that they’ll discontinue updates and support for the classic editor by 2021. So, if you like the Gutenberg editor or not, then you will need to switch to using it sooner or later. 


Gutenberg or Classic Editor

So, is it a classic WordPress editor or Gutenberg that will be a better choice for you? To decide, we need to draw the comparison. 


Gutenberg has a block structure that looks like this: 


As you can see, Gutenberg has a different interface from what WordPress has been using for years. It looks more modern and stylish. The drag-and-drop interface lets you add blocks as you hover over the “+” icon in the working area. Click on it, and you will see a list of blocks that you can add to your article. 


To make it easier for beginners to work with the editor, Gutenberg features a brief explanation next to every block. In such a way, a person can learn more details about the functionality that Gutenberg blocks can add to their content. As you start adding your content, you will see a setting panel in the working space. It reveals a set of additional post formatting options that you can apply to your piece. 

As per the Classic WordPress Editor, it features the interface that looks like this:


I’m sure that you are familiar with this interface if you’ve ever worked with WordPress. It provides a standard set of content editing features, with the settings panel presented at the top of the writing area. It doesn’t divide content into individual blocks. If we compare Gutenberg and the Classic WordPress Editor’s interfaces, we can notice that the Classic Editor’s whole content editing area resembles one block in Gutenberg. 


Gutenberg was launched when most of us started to switch to using WordPress page builders. So, the concept of building posts in the drag-and-drop visual mode sounded familiar to many users who enjoy innovation and look forward to the code-free online experience. The Gutenberg editor’s intuitive visual interface provided a smooth content editing experience to many of us who do not want to mess with the code. Although it may take some time to learn all blocks and features that the editor delivers, content editing will be a child’s play when you familiarize yourself with all Gutenberg features. 

The Classic WordPress Editor is also easy to use and quick-to-learn. It provides some basic options for uploading multimedia content to your posts. However, if you need more freedom whole working with the visual content, then you will need to install extra plugins or work with shortcodes. When it comes to editing multimedia, Gutenberg is a true leader. 


When Gutenberg was rolling out, many had concerns about its smooth performancePerformanceRefers to how fast a website or web application loads and responds to user interactions.
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. The editor has been actively used for a while already, and there are little to no performance issues being registered as of yet. You may feel confident that all blocks and pieces of content that you add to your post will be saved. There is a handy auto-save option that takes care of the text and settings in your copy. Gutenberg lets you work with both short and long publications without any lags. 

The issue that many of us faced in the Classic WordPress Editor is that the dashboard often crashes when you edit long texts. If you want to rest assured that the page won’t collapse while you write your content and the text will be restored, it’s better to opt for Gutenberg. 

Gutenberg or Classic Editor – What’s the Right Choice for Me?

Tastes differ. To judge objectively, Gutenberg is more accessible to use and more reliable than the classic WordPress editor. It features a simple interface with tips and suggestions for those users who only familiarize themselves with its functions. Gutenberg doesn’t require any technical skills or knowledge to be mastered. Everything is done in the drag-and-drop mode, as you work with Gutenberg blocks and intuitive settings panel. 

However, many users who have been working with the Classic WordPress editor can feel confused when they see a new content editing interface. Apart from content managers and writers, website and plugin developers were affected the most. Developing plugins and WordPress themes that are compatible with the Gutenberg editor can be a strenuous process. In such cases, the Classic WordPress editor is the way to go. 


Do not be afraid to try something new, mainly if it provides you with the ease and comfort that you’ve always dreamt about. Watching how rapidly the Gutenberg editor is spreading across the market is rather exciting. There is a growing number of blogs that have shifted to the new content editing experience. It’s no longer an issue to find ready-made WordPress themes compatible with Gutenberg and let you create content in the drag-and-drop mode using Gutenberg blocks. 

Considering that WordPress will stop updating and supporting the Classic Editor in 2021, it’s better to start thinking about a switch. The new content editor will make things easier for you and your content management team. 

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